Meet The Team
Team Chapel Arts 2015

​Mike Cassidy
Mike Cassidy and his wife, Jennifer, are the proud parents of Jackson and Arnaud, who are excited to have recently joined The Chapel School. Mike is the founder and Chairman of Undertone, a digital advertising technology company, as well as a board member of Friends of Karen. While Mike enjoys running, it has been 10+ years since his last race, so the half marathon is a welcomed challenge. He already has his playlist ready and sneakers laced for the big day!
George Heath
George Heath has been with Village Lutheran Church and The Chapel School for twelve years. He serves as the cantor for the church, and music teacher for grades 3-8 for The Chapel School. He is also the parent of two Chapel School students. George is a "barefoot" running enthusiast and has run both the NYC half and full marathons in 2014. In addition to performing, teaching, and running, George loves spending time in the mountains fly fishing and enjoying other outdoor pursuits. He is proud to run for the fantastic arts program at The Chapel School!

Diane Hernandez
Diane Hernandez and her husband, Andrew, have two children at Chapel. She is a busy and proud mom of Marco (1st grade) and Malia (3rd grade) and a full-time advertising executive in NYC. In her spare time (!), Diane is a sports, fitness and outdoor enthusiast. She coaches and plays softball, coaches Marco and Malia's TYA baseball and softball teams, snowboards, runs, hikes, mountain climbs and rock climbs. This will be Diane's very first half-marathon, and her goal is to finish with a sub 9 minute mile pace. OR .... to just finish! She is so excited to take on this new challenge and to fundraise for the truly exceptional Chapel School drama, music and arts programs.

Rev. Dr. Robert Hartwell
Pastor Hartwell has a long love for The Chapel School. His children, Alexander and Hannah, attended the school from Kindergarten through 5th Grade. He is married to Sue who served as a teacher at Chapel School for 10 years. Sue presently serves as a special education teacher and works on-on-one with children at area schools including Chapel. Pastor Rob, as he is known, has served as the Associate Pastor and Chapel School Liaison from 1998-2003 and Senior Pastor/Trustee of the Church and School since 2003. He began running several years ago after a successful fundraising challenge that saw him lose over 100 pounds (as well as over $400,000 in matching funds for the Chapel School). Pastor Rob and Sue love to walk and are enjoying a "sometimes empty nest" with both children in college. Pastor Hartwell ran the Westchester Half-Marathon with Team Chapel for the Chapel School in 2009 and the New York City Marathon for Team Chapel for the Chapel School in 2011. He is the honorary coach of all Team Chapel runs as the founder of the event. He is working at hitting sub 9 minutes miles in the NY Half and is excited to run with others on behalf of TCS Arts.