Meet The Team
Team Chapel Arts 2017
Fundraised: $10,208.00
Lou Albano
Lou Albano has been a member of Village Lutheran Church for over 15 years and his children have attended The Chapel School. He is a past President of the Trustee Board of the VLC and The Chapel School, and is currently serving a second stint as a Trustee on the Board. Lou has over 25 years of experience in municipal government and is currently the Deputy Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development for the City of Yonkers. Lou has run many races over the last few years and is very proud and excited to be running for Team Chapel for the first time.
Sheridan Denfeld
Sheridan Denfeld and her husband, Jon, are proud parents to two smart, active, and handsome Chapel boys. JP, a 7th grader, is new to Chapel this year and Hunter, currently in the 5th grade, began his Chapel career in Kindergarten. Sheridan thoroughly enjoys being a mom and is very active in the community. She is a member and former President of the Junior League of Bronxville and she is currently the JLB’s Community Grants chair. In addition, Sheridan is on the Advisory Board of Osilas Gallery at Concordia. Growing up in central Illinois, Sheridan learned her love for running from her dad and has competed in many road races including the Grandma’s Marathon in Minnesota and several half marathons in Chicago and New York. Having taken a break from running for a few years, Sheridan is now excited to be supporting The Chapel School Arts program while challenging herself and proving that she still can do it at 47!
Chris Gleason
Chris Gleason and his family have been members of Village Lutheran Church since 2002 when they moved to Westchester from Texas. In addition to being a long-time member of both the Chancel and Brass Choirs at VLC, he is honoured to currently serve as President of the Board of Trustees for VLC and The Chapel School. He ran his first half-marathon in 2014 for Team Chapel-Arts, and followed it up with running the full marathon for Team Chapel in 2015. As Chris steps down from his tenure on the Board, he is happy to run one more time to help support our fantastic arts program! He and his wife, Sarah are eternally grateful for TCS where their boys (Joshua and Zachary) attended from 2007 through 2014. Chris works in the city as a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager at Fiduciary Trust International, a wealth management company with trust capabilities.
Ralph Schoene
Ralph Schoene has been a member of the Village Lutheran Church since 1992. He has been a Board of Trustees member since 2002 and has served as church treasurer since 2007. He has completed 26 marathons (including the first team Chapel NYC Marathon event in 2011) and numerous half marathons. He is currently 63 years of age and presently works as an attorney with Collins, Fitzpatrick & Schoene, LLP in White Plains, NY.