Runners Wanted
The TCS New York City Marathon will take place in person on March 16, 2025.
The Chapel School now has five guaranteed entries into the NYRR Half Marathon in the spring.
"Team Chapel – Arts" is recruiting five runners to run the United Airlines NYC Half Marathon to raise awareness and funds for the art and drama programs of The Chapel School.
If you are interested in applying to join Team Chapel-Arts, contact Development Manager, Lisa Jones at
914-337-3202 (1040) or Development@TheChapelSchool.org. Designation of the Team will be made in early January. Prospective Team Chapel –Arts runners should be willing and able to run 13.1, commit to and guarantee a $1,700 personal fundraising goal and be available on Sunday, March 16, 2025.
Benefits Include:
• Guaranteed Half Marathon Spot
• Personal Fundraising Page
• Team Chapel Gear
• Pre-Race & Race Day Support

2025 Team Chapel Arts
At a time when many schools have deemed Fine Arts and Music as "expendable", The Chapel School continues to view those programs as "expendable."
Fine Arts, Music, and Drama are important parts of every child's education. While many schools are eliminating programs, The Chapel School in Bronxville, N.Y. is dedicated to preserving and expanding our Arts programs. The Chapel School is a Preschool 2 to Grade 8 school known for academic excellence and a diverse student body. The academic atmosphere at The Chapel School challenges our students to stretch their abilities. We are asking you in particular to be our partner in keeping the arts in education.
On March 16, 2025, "Team Chapel – Arts" will run the United Airlines Half Marathon in New York City to raise awareness for the art and drama programs of The Chapel School.
The Chapel School is proud to offer our well-rounded students in 2nd through 8th grades many opportunities to thrive and grow in the Fine Arts and Music. Over 75 students are learning to play instruments in our in-house after-school TCS Band Program. Individual and Small Group Lessons for woodwinds, brass, and percussion start in 3rd Grade, and then 4 full First Year, Second Year, Third Year, and Advanced Bands get together weekly to rehearse for Christmas and Spring Concerts.
The Chapel School also offers wonderful opportunities for students who use their voices as their instruments, including Prep Choir for 2nd-3rd Graders (No Auditions), Select Choir for 4th-8th Graders, and Chamber Choir for 7th-8th Graders. Being that the Select and Chamber Choirs are often the face of TCS in the community (Annual Appearance at Shea Stadium/CitiFIELD singing the National Anthem at NY Mets Baseball Game, Wartburg Home, Reformation Celebration at Princeton University, Bronxville Rotary, et. al.), students must audition to be part of those groups. The Chapel School Select Choir recently recorded, produced, and released a professional-quality 10-Year Anniversary CD.
Finally, The Chapel School has an unparalleled Drama Program for students in 3rd-8th Grades, which is made up of Fall Drama Club (open to all budding thespians) and now a Fall Musical for Grades 1-3. And, of course, TCS's spectacular Spring Musical Productions for Grades 4-8 (Auditions Required), past performances of which have included: Annie Jr. (2012), Oklahoma Jr. (2013), Music Man Jr. (2014), Guys and Dolls Jr. (2015), Wizard of Oz Jr. (2016), Seussical the Musical (2017), Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. (2018), Willy Wonka Jr. (2019) and The Little Mermaid, Jr. (2021), Newsies (2023), Frozen Kids (2024)